About the event
Accessibility Club Turku offers you professional growth right for the start of the new decade. Join us for the second Accessibility Club Turku Meetup!
Time | Agenda item |
- | Introduction |
- | Accessible multilevel navigation menus Performed by |
- | Session Planning |
- | Session 1 |
- | Refreshment Break |
- | Session 2 |
- | Closing |
Xurxe Toivo García
- Internet
- https://xurxe.com
- Xurxe.Garcia
We have kindly been provided space by SparkUp in Turku Science Park.
SparkUp is inside a large office building called ElectroCity. This building has three entrances: A, B and C. Entrance C on Joukahaisenkatu 1 is accessible. Note that it's actually an entrance to another building called EuroCity which is connected to ElectroCity via an inner yard. You can find an elevator in this inner yard close to entrance B (Tykistökatu end) that'll take you to the second floor. SparkUp has an extra entrance on their second floor and this is where we are going to be. You can also get to the inner yard via entrance A which is on an alley between buildings around the corner from entrance C.
We are aware that this is not the simplest route which is why all applicants get a contact in the information email before the event who you can call in case you need guidance. Entrance B on Tykistökatu is not accessible, but it can also be used.
Please arrive before 17:30 as we are on a tight schedule!
SparkUp is a startup community where Turku Science Park Ltd, student based entrepreneurship society Boost Turku and Creative Venture Creve have brought together their know-how and services for startups and entrepreneur-minded persons in Turku region. SparkUp is facilitated by Turku Science Park Ltd. It is located at the heart of Turku Science Park in ElectroCity and offers almost 800 m², 9 offices for teams, a big event space, cafeteria, and 3 meeting rooms – plus a free open office space and two open meeting rooms. We have reserved their second floor so we have enough space for multiple parallel sessions.There will be snacks and soft drinks at the venue.
Otso Lahti
Designer, frontend developer, accessibility consultant and photographer from Turku. Works at Wunder.
- Internet
- https://otsolahti.fi
- @oetseli
Tuuli Aalto
Service designer from Turku, Finland, working at Ambientia. Mixing futures research methods with design. Curious to understand how people see and feel their surroundings. Digital designer for over twenty years.
- @turkutuuli
Mikko Suominen
Mikko works as a Senior Consultant at Houston Inc. His job consists of frontend development and UI design.
- @mikkomikko