About the event

After the great success of the Accessibility Club's first hybrid streaming event last November Joschi and Marc decided to not waste the opportunity and repeat this right after the upcoming beyond tellerrand conference in Düsseldorf again. As in November, there will be a couple of talks / presentations by some lovely accessibility folks. And again, you will be able to join both remotely or on-site — see below for details.


Wednesday, May 4th, 2022

Time Agenda item
Presentation title: Presentation 1: Do you validate your HTML?

Manuel logged onto reddit.com and asked an innocent question: Do you validate your HTML? The answers were very interesting, so interesting that he decided to share and discuss some of them with the Accessibility Club.

Performed by
Presentation title: Presentation 2: User Zoom and Reflow

Our web layouts should support user zoom up to 400% according to WCAG Success Criterion 1.4.10. For most sites, this triggers the "mobile" layout to go into effect. Let's review the differences between handling for responsive vs. reflow design, and learn how to improve the user experience for reflow using modern CSS.

Performed by
Presentation title: Presentation 3: Exclusive Design — A critical approach to teaching accessibility

In the past years Vasilis has taught a few different Exclusive Design courses. In all these courses he asked his students to design and create a tailor made thing for a real person with a disability. In this presentation Vasilis will discuss the ideas behind this design method, and he will show some of the work his students have made over the years.

Performed by
Discussion (TBA)


  • Portrait photo of Manuel Matuzović

    Manuel Matuzović

    Front-end developer, lecturer, speaker and event organiser from Vienna

    Manuel is a frontend developer who's passionate about HTML and CSS. He works for the City of Vienna where he builds accessible frontends and he’s an auditor, teacher and consultant. He writes about accessibility, HTML, and CSS on his personal blog and HTMHell. He’s also one of the organisers of the webclerks meetup and conference.

  • Portrait photo of Stephanie Eckles

    Stephanie Eckles

    Front-end focused software engineer, advocate for accessibility, scalable CSS, and web standards

    Stephanie Eckles is a Sr. SWE focused on design systems at Microsoft. She's also the author of ModernCSS.dev which provides modern solutions to old CSS problems as in-depth articles, and is the creator of StyleStage.dev, and author of SmolCSS.dev and 11ty.Rocks. Steph has 15+ years of webdev experience that she enjoys sharing as an author, instructor, Twitch streamer, and conference speaker. She's an advocate for accessibility, scalable CSS, and web standards.

  • Portrait photo of Vasilis van Gemert

    Vasilis van Gemert

    Lecturer in Amsterdam

    Vasilis teaches the next generation of digital product designers how to design things for the web. Preferably things that work for everyone. He does this at the University of Applied Sciences in Amsterdam. He successfully completed the Design Master program at the Willem de Kooning Academy in Rotterdam. During his research he designed tailor made websites for real people with real disabilities. Vasilis has published over 20,000 books about form and colour.



We're delighted to announce that the City of Düsseldorf offered us to run our meetup at the new municipal library, the Zentralbibliothek Düsseldorf, again. While the focus will be the live stream again, it's possible for a small group of people to join us on-site. If you're around Düsseldorf anyway you might decide to be there in person — but please do so responsibly (still in a pandemic, right?).

The location is fully wheelchair-accessible (with accessible toilets next to the meetup room). Service animals are allowed and welcome. If needed, a quiet room is available as well. We will print and put up some signage that will guide you from the entrance on the ground floor to the meetup room on the second floor.

Important: At the moment the City of Düsseldorf requires all visitors of some municipal buildings to wear a mask, so please prepared for this in case you want to attend the meetup in person.

As we only expect a very small group of people at the venue we don't provide snacks and beverages at the event, but there's a small café right next to the meetup room which should fulfil your wishes.

Neue Zentralbibliothek Düsseldorf
Konrad-Adenauer-Platz 1
40210 Düsseldorf , Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany
51.2212139 6.7907922
Open map view / route planning
  • New cultural centre KAP1 in Düsseldorf
